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Entries in iphone (8)



Here is our second release to the apple APP store.  This release went a lot smoother, the approval process is moving quickly.  This second release is a casual game similar to simon says where you mimic the lights and sounds as they levels get harder.  I find it useful when I need a distraction, say when I've been programming to long; and I need a mental break.  I hope you guys like it, you can check it out here: Retap!



Props : iPhone Apps

I have to say in the time that I've owned my iPhone it has been a great user experience. Especially when apple opened up the phone for native applications. In my opinion the web apps didn't cut it, just too slow; although I must say their web development is very rich and can do a lot.

What apps do you like or find useful?

Here's a few of the apps (besides the ones we write) that I enjoy on my iPhone: (check out NanoTalons.com - new app comming soon)

 Pocket God - Great little game, a bit ego centrical; but it's fun to torture the little islanders.  Another good thing about this game is the developers keep adding levels as they go.  When I purchased this game it was 99 cents; but I believe its going to change to $1.99, still worth the price.

 Face Book - If you're a Facebook user I highly recommend the facebook app for the iPhone.  Simple to use and you have access to most of the facebook functionality, a must if you actively use facebook.

 Missile Command - I got this game for nostalgia, in the old days of the atari we used to play this game all the time.  This game contains both a new version and old version of the game, very well done.

 Pandora Radio - I have to say this is one of the best apps for the iPhone.  I used to load all my music on my ipod to listen to a fraction of the songs that I have wasting a great deal of space.  With the iPhone and a limit of 16GB, I have to plan which songs to load, etc; but with Pandora it doesn't matter.  If you have good 3G coverage in the area you live you're set, enter the artist or song and it will play it and similar songs.  If I recall correctly it allows you to buy songs straight from itunes; but I must admit I have not used this feature.

 Post your favorites here or on twitter!




It's amazing in the last few months how twitter has exploded with users.  It's funny to see how a good deal of the users like myself have blogs or have something to pitch.  What's interesting at present is how users follow each other openly.  I would say this has changed from past, when really there where a few users with a large number of followers, broadcasting information (kind of old school).  With this new trend I decided to use twitter a bit more and follow more people on it.  I can say that in a short period of time I have met some new interesting people, which I think is what the service is all about.  Of course with all these new followers it has become a bit harder to manage my twitter streams so I turn to two applications.  My app of choice at the moment for the PC is TweetDeck, I won't review it but do a search online and you will find it.  And my favorite mobile app for the iPhone is tweetie, full feature app; but is missing a few key components when you have a few hundred friends.  Regardless is going to be an interesting year for twitter, I can't wait to see what the future brings to this social network. 

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