on the WEB

Entries in twitter (1)



It's amazing in the last few months how twitter has exploded with users.  It's funny to see how a good deal of the users like myself have blogs or have something to pitch.  What's interesting at present is how users follow each other openly.  I would say this has changed from past, when really there where a few users with a large number of followers, broadcasting information (kind of old school).  With this new trend I decided to use twitter a bit more and follow more people on it.  I can say that in a short period of time I have met some new interesting people, which I think is what the service is all about.  Of course with all these new followers it has become a bit harder to manage my twitter streams so I turn to two applications.  My app of choice at the moment for the PC is TweetDeck, I won't review it but do a search online and you will find it.  And my favorite mobile app for the iPhone is tweetie, full feature app; but is missing a few key components when you have a few hundred friends.  Regardless is going to be an interesting year for twitter, I can't wait to see what the future brings to this social network.