on the WEB

"Don't Tase Me Bro!" by nanotalons

Hey guys, here are some promo codes for our iPhone application. These codes only work on the US itunes store, sorry but it's an apple thing. I guess they haven't worked it out for other countries.






Here is the link: NanoTalons.com


augmented reality

Interesting ted lecture by Pattie Maes about a small device you can wear that allows you to interact with the world by simple gestures. This system augments reality by projecting information on real world objects. This research is very exiting, it starts to open up the future for what's going to be possible. Just with the notion of Moore's Law this device will be smaller faster in about 18 months. I cant wait till the entire device is embedded in a contact, bringing the head's up display to anything you can see. Take it one step further and have it interact with the brain so if you need to know what time it is the system would present it to you automatically, no additional action neccessary.

Here is the link to the lecture enjoy:

TED Lecture Sixth Sense



It's amazing in the last few months how twitter has exploded with users.  It's funny to see how a good deal of the users like myself have blogs or have something to pitch.  What's interesting at present is how users follow each other openly.  I would say this has changed from past, when really there where a few users with a large number of followers, broadcasting information (kind of old school).  With this new trend I decided to use twitter a bit more and follow more people on it.  I can say that in a short period of time I have met some new interesting people, which I think is what the service is all about.  Of course with all these new followers it has become a bit harder to manage my twitter streams so I turn to two applications.  My app of choice at the moment for the PC is TweetDeck, I won't review it but do a search online and you will find it.  And my favorite mobile app for the iPhone is tweetie, full feature app; but is missing a few key components when you have a few hundred friends.  Regardless is going to be an interesting year for twitter, I can't wait to see what the future brings to this social network. 

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